Frequently Asked Questions


There are many different hybrid book publishers; we cannot speak for other hybrid publishing models, we can only speak for ourselves. We discuss our publishing practices and hybrid business model when we first connect with potential new authors. We are not a self-publisher or “vanity press,” where the author pays to have their book published and signs a restrictive contract which involves surrendering significant rights. Instead, we offer a collaborative process with our authors during the creative writing and book production stages, share costs and risks with the author, and actively market and sell each book. We also maintain collaborative marketing and PR strategies post-publication, meaning our authors still get ongoing support after their book is published.

Independent publishing, sometimes referred to as hybrid publishing, blends the best elements of the traditional and self-publishing worlds. The Awakened Press offers 100% royalties to new authors and all authors maintain 100% copyrights to their written works. Additionally, we help all authors through each stage of the often-complicated publishing process. We also automatically include ongoing marketing and promotions for each book we publish.


Self-publishing can work well for authors who prefer to do absolutely everything by themselves. Self-publishing requires the author to wear many “hats”—they must be the writer, author, publisher, distributor, and marketer. They also have no support with creating a compelling cover or a print-ready interior layout that works in the market, or asking retailers to sell their book. Attempting to print and distribute copies to major retailers is a large hurdle and expense for self-published authors. While there are infinite resources available for self-publishers (both free and paid), it’s all up to the author to make it happen.

In comparison to self-publishing, our hybrid independent publishing model offers an easier method for bringing books to life. At The Awakened Press, we guide all authors through the often-daunting publishing world and will be very honest about how the book needs to read, look, and feel to give it the best chance of success with retailers and readers.


The Awakened Press hybrid independent publishing will work best for you if you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • You have pitched to traditional publishers for at least 2-5 years without any success.

  • You are not interested in traditional publishing.

  • You do not want to hire a literary agent.

  • You do not want to fund and manage all aspects of book publishing by yourself, AKA be a self-published author.

  • You need tailored, 1x1 book development and editing help to finish your book.

  • You desire assistance with all the technical aspects of publishing.

  • You want to expedite the publishing process.

  • You want support for promoting your book through marketing and PR.

  • You are a busy entrepreneur or professional who wants to expand your existing network or business, and you believe your book will help you tell your story and better help others you serve.

Are there any fees incurred to send you my manuscript?

No, never! There is no fee involved for this; The Awakened Press has no reading fees. In fact, we recommend staying away from anyone who incurs reading fees. It does not cost you anything to send us your manuscript for us to take a look.

In order to work together, you will need to send us your existing material as is, so we know what we would be working with. When you email us and we request that you send your manuscript for a review, we may set up an initial free 1x1 call over Zoom (video call) to get to know one another to see if this a good fit. We understand that almost everyone needs to browse around to find the right publishing method that works best for them, and this is one of the reasons why we have this process in place.

  • "if you have a message you want to share with this world that can help elevate humanity, book publishing with us may be a great fit."

    — Lindsay R.A. Dierking, Founder/Owner/Publisher

What’s an “MNDA” and why would I want one?

MNDA stands for “Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement.” An MNDA is a common document that allows individuals and businesses to share their ideas, plans, and confidential projects freely and without fear that either party will wrongfully use or share the other person’s confidential or propriety information.

In other words, an MNDA is a written and signed agreement from both a team member from The Awakened Press and you as the individual before sending us your manuscript or sharing any of your book ideas. We operate on trust, transparency, and full disclosure. When all parties are operating on these same principles and are in integrity then you don’t really need this document, however, it is good professional practice to have it in place. If you decide that you would like to send over your manuscript for review and consideration, we all must sign this agreement before sharing your book idea.

Why do I need editing after my book is done?

Your book isn’t actually done after it’s written. It is only a final draft. It needs to be edited before it is published. An edit can be small, medium, or large.

It is not the best decision to have your loved one “edit” your book unless your friend or family member is a professional editor. When you hire an editor, you’re hiring someone to do what they do best—edit! Good editing is a job and they are paid for their expertise.

If you publish my book, do you get the royalties?

The Awakened Press offers 100% royalties for new authors until a certain book sales threshold is met, usually between 1,800–3,000 copies. After a certain book sales threshold has been achieved, this means the author’s book is consistently selling, so any upfront investment the author made has effectively been neutralized from book sales.

Afterward, a shared book royalty opportunity between The Awakened Press and the author is put in place in exchange for further PR and book marketing services that we provide, so it remains a win-win situation for all.

If authors have an already-existing established audience, there is no upfront fee and we will propose a 60-40% royalty split with 60% of the royalties given to the author. Almost half of the existing books on our roster have been published without any upfront fees.

Why do you offer 100% royalties?

There are a lot of talented writers out there who often feel unexpressed because they aren’t published. Many creative individuals go unnoticed without publishing help—they often have no idea how to get started, or they try to do publishing haphazardly and can’t get themselves off the ground.

We want to give authors the best shot at entering the market and succeeding where they otherwise wouldn’t have access. That’s why, instead of doing an initial royalty split like a traditional publisher would do, normally there is an upfront fee involved in almost all circumstances in exchange for 100% royalties given to the author until a certain book sales threshold is met, usually between 1,800–3,000 copies.

If authors have an already-existing established audience, there is no upfront fee and we will propose a 60-40% royalty split with 60% of the royalties given to the author. Almost half of the existing books on our roster have been published without any upfront fees.

  • publish with integrity, value, and quality.

    — The Awakened Press

If we’re publishing my book, do I have to get my book published in print, too?

No. Getting print copies of your books is optional. Some authors decide to have their book done in e-book format first before publishing in print; that's a great recommendation when you're building your audience.

for how long do I receive royalties?

For as long as your book is published with us! In essence, this can be for your entire lifetime, as long as we exist, or as long as publishing continues to exist as it does today.


All authors retain and own all assets and 100% copyrights to their book at all times. We create and publish the book within a shared file database that is always open and sharable to the author. If anything happens to us, simply take your assets elsewhere.

How long does the PUBLISHING process take?

Each book is unique. There is no set answer to this. Please consult the Manuscript Submissions Requirements for opportunities to get in touch and learn more about how your unique manuscript will take to get published if we all want to work together.

The average manuscript that is completely written—meaning the author’s first draft is 100% finished and ready for the editing process—takes 9 months to 1 year.

If you want to expedite your writing process to finish your manuscript earlier there are writing classes available.

  • "Living in gratitude and truth are the keys to unlocking a healthy and abundant life."

    — Lindsay R.A. Dierking, Founder/Owner/Publisher


We offer full, worldwide distribution through our proprietary Global Reach Program that offers access to about 50,000 retailers across Earth, including:

  • Independent bookstores

  • Online stores, such as Amazon

  • Libraries

  • Universities

  • Chain stores, including Chapters-Indigo Canada and Barnes&Noble

  • E-book retailers, including Apple Books, Kobo, Amazon Kindle

Do i have to sell my book worldwide?

Worldwide book distribution through our proprietary Global Reach Program is recommended, but not mandatory. Some authors choose a small, local print option or an e-book only distribution option while building their audience.

can i produce an audiobook with you?

At this time we are slowly working to grandfather in our most consistently selling books into audiobook production. Book sales must reach a certain threshold before we will consider creating an audiobook.

what book formats do you publish?

Our standard is to provide one trade paperback edition and one e-book format edition for every book. Sometimes we publish in paperback format only or e-book format only. Some books are currently in process of becoming audiobooks. Other books are in hardcover format. Each book is entirely different with its own unique marketing strategy; therefore, the formats we choose to publish your book all depend on the book and its audience.

  • "Even editors have their own editors."

    — Lindsay R.A. Dierking, Founder/Owner/Publisher


At The Awakened Press we like to differentiate between these two terms because there is an important distinction between them. A “manuscript” is the unpublished version of what would eventually become a book, while a “book” is published. For example, a manuscript is when a book is in its early stages of preparation. An edited or unedited manuscript is an early version or a draft, and not yet a book.

Do I need an ISBN?

ISBNs are unique and universal identifiers that are recognized internationally, which means when you have an ISBN, your book is archived worldwide, even years from now in databases we cannot even envision yet. Books without ISBNs don’t come up in searches easily, so don’t tend to do as well. Books published through The Awakened Press are always registered with official ISBNs.

Will my book become a best seller?

No one can truly guarantee that your book will become a best seller. Books become best sellers because of an effective plan combined with a (darn) good book! We have created multiple best selling books at The Awakened Press and provide equal opportunity to each author to be able to reach that milestone.

Do you help me create exposure for my book THROUGH MARKETING AND PR?

Yes. Book marketing and PR services are automatically embedded in each book we choose to publish. When we publish your book, we represent and support you. For example, if we choose to work together, we help you reach more readers by exposing your book on our website, social media, and email lists; we provide individual outreach to writing groups and/or literary networks, bookstores, podcasts, and traditional media such as newspapers.

Although we do assist you with book exposure for as long as your book is published with us, the best opportunity for success is when authors execute their own marketing efforts in addition to ours.

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