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  • Still struggling to finish writing your nonfiction book? These virtual classes show you how to write your self-help, memoir, personal development, guidebook, spiritual or mind-body-spirit manuscript.


Our most detailed, 100% complete online writing class that gives you everything you need to finish writing your book.


Learn how to write and finish writing your nonfiction book!


Get started with your book, discover how to structure and organize your material, explore the art of content writing, create a book outline, develop your writing practice and more.


Fast-track your writing process, remove writer’s block, better understand your personal journey, and have FUN.


  • I am ecstatic to say that I have just completed your book course! Thank you so much for all of the wonderful and helpful information. I appreciate being able to work at my own pace as well. For someone who has never written a book before, I would like to think that I am ready to do so.

    —Shannon Todd: Writer, Student

  • Lindsay’s writing course catapulted me on the right trajectory for my life. It created a fierce alignment and confidence that I can do it.

    —Sonia Pellerino: Writer, Student

  • Lindsay’s amazing, wonderful, magical and intuitive writing course is powerful! I have seen computer programs that were specifically designed to appeal to writers to remove and aid in removing writer’s block and I am so happy I didn’t waste my money because her course is so much better.

    —Jaclyn O’Connor: Writer, Student

  • One moment I think I got this book writing thing down, and the next it’s just words of craziness. With only a few weeks in Lindsay’s writing course I have started to outline my book, and have about 17 chapters now. I am also starting to finally understand the beginning of my personal journey.

    —Cynthia Donnell: Writer, Student

  • All I can say is I highly recommend Lindsay's services. Become her client while you have a chance, I have a feeling she’s going to be really big soon and less available. I am definitely am. Thank you Lindsay.

    —Taylor Mae Dean: Writer, Student

  • Getting to share this journey with Lindsay has been an absolute pleasure and blissful experience! The entire process was kept very playful, which is one of main points of life, to be playful.

    —Rex Hilton: Writer, Student

Course structure

Learn how to write and finish writing your nonfiction book with 5 comprehensive, exciting, and FUN writing training modules!

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Reserve Your Spot: Be the First to Know when Classes Launch

Never miss a beat: sign up for the waitlist to be the first to know when The Awakened Press writing classes are available!

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  • Chapter 1 / Nonfiction Rules and Basics

    Get ready to apply basic principles and story structure foundation for your nonfiction book. We discuss why this type of book works, why they’re so popular, and basic fundamentals on what to include in your manuscript.

    We also show you how to anchor in writing strategies so you can access your creative flow throughout your journey and beyond the course.

  • Chapter 2 / The Art of Content Writing

    In Chapter 2 we go over the art of content writing. This module will have everything you need for the content writing portion of your manuscript! There are various writing techniques offered that you can use for the book you’re working on right now and throughout your writing journey—for life.

    It also includes a very special section on how to safely access memories and past events if you are writing a book based on a true story.

  • Chapter 3 / Plot Your Outline

    It’s time to organize your book! Even if you think you know how to create a book outline and structure already, we offer a completely new way of book outlining you’ve probably never done before that’s more intuitive, fun, and easy than common methods presented in this day and age.

    Stay focused about what material is relevant to include in your manuscript. Learn unique and fun techniques to plot your book outline, and a distinctive way to rework your existing book outline if you already have a draft.

  • Chapter 4 / "Fill in Your Gaps"

    Here’s where you’ll be able to apply the “nitty gritty.” You will understand how to create content transitions, which is all about making your written work flow better; for example, how to make links from one chapter to the next.

    Then you’ll learn more about publishing elements such as copyrights, your author name, how to hone in on your best book title, how to include people’s real names if you are writing a true story, etc.—all the essential stuff you’ll need to finish your book.

  • Chapter 5 / The Editing Process

    Welcome to the editing phase!

    We’ll begin by preparing you with what editing actually is: the role of the editor, their job, and what’s involved in the process.

    Then we’ll move on to the fun part: self-editing your work.

    Lastly, we’ll talk about how to find your editor.


  • Fast-track your writing process

  • Remove writer’s block

  • Organize and edit your material

  • Become a stronger writer

  • Finish writing your book

  • Bring back the joy of writing

  • Better understand your personal journey

  • Complete the book of your dreams

Not interested in an online writing class?

looking for a more personalized solution to finish WRITING your book?


Try our 1x1 personalized writing sessions directly over Zoom (video call) with Publisher/Owner/Managing Editor Lindsay R.A. Dierking. Find out more here.


The Spirit Writes sessions are one-on-one customized consultations over Zoom (video call) to help you remove writer’s block, structure your manuscript, and finish writing your book.


The Spirit Writes sessions are Publisher/Owner/Managing Editor Lindsay R.A. Dierking’s unique writing coaching program. It is a system of guidance that helps people find and develop their writing practice, and write their books.


These 1x1 intuitive sessions help you connect more to your voice and your truth, and will help you get “tuned in” again.


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Enter your first name and email to receive free writing prompts for 12 days to help you fast-track your writing, remove writer's block, and finish writing your manuscript! This will get you one step closer to finishing your book and getting it published.

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